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  1. 25 Ways To Kill The Toxic Ego

    The artist Marina Abramović has said that the moment we begin to believe in our greatness, we kill our ability to be truly creative. What she is talking about is ego—the way that self-absorption ruins the very thing it celebrates.
    So how do we keep this toxic ego and selfishness at bay? How do we prevent ego from “sucking us down like the law of gravity?” The primary answer is simple: awareness. But after that, it’s a matter of hard work.

    In the course of researching Ego is the Enemy I was exposed to many strategies for combatting our arrogant and selfish impulses. Here are 25 proven exercises from successful men and women throughout history that will help you stay sober, clear-headed, creative and humble. They work if you work them.

  2. 13 Little But Powerful Ways To Shatter Your EgoEvery time I’ve suffered in life, my ego has been at the source. Not knowing your ass from third base breeds numerous problems, but perhaps the most dangerous is the inability to see beyond your point of view.

    Living via your ego is essentially operating as if everything revolves around you — the world as you see it is the way it is. While a smattering of truth is present, much of life is open to interpretation. Getting outside of our own opinion as often as possible can spare us much of the heartache.

    Easier said than done, there are several strategies to stepping outside of the ego and living a harmonious life. Here are thirteen ways to remain grounded in your understanding of the events life chooses to unfold.