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Arguably, living inside your head all the time does not lead to a healthy level of life satisfaction.

In fact a Buddhist teacher called Vishrant believes living in your head too much is a major source of the world’s mental health problems.

People with schizoid personality disorder or schizoid tendencies may feel a deeper pang for connection with something bigger than themselves.

If this is the case for you you may want to think about how you can contribute to the community around you.

Here are 15 ways you can do so which may take you outside of your comfort zone but hopefully within an acceptable level.

  1. Volunteering for environmental and/or gardening services
  2. Volunteering for clothing and/or recycling services
  3. Volunteering for dog walking services
  4. Volunteering at a pet shelter
  5. Volunteering for community facilities maintenance services
  6. Volunteering to help feed the homeless and less fortunate
  7. Volunteering to assist at a sporting or recreation club
  8. Volunteering your vocational services to a community organisation
  9. Volunteering to call in (by person or phone) and check up on the elderly, the lonely and/or the disabled
  10. Volunteering as a mentor to teach someone a skill or skills you possess
  11. Volunteering as a member of a community organisation
  12. Volunteering at a museum
  13. Volunteering as a driver
  14. Volunteering for the local council or  county
  15. Volunteering to help restore a car, some furniture or something old and precious

The level of interpersonal communication can be taken into account and may well be within your acceptable level of comfort.

If not you may be able to contribute towards something bigger than yourself online, for instance;

  • Contributing to Wikipedia
  • Contributing to community organisations’ online resources, such as websites and social media profiles
  • Teaching someone a skill through online mentoring

In doing some of these volunteering services you may have to get out of your comfort zone and face the unknown but you will find the opportunity to grow as a person, grow your comfort zone and start to develop a sense of belonging, among a group or community of people, and belonging to a place.